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John Dalgity – Candidate for Councillor

John Dalgity – Candidate for Councillor Almonte Ward

It has been an honour and a pleasure representing you as a Councillor in the Almonte Ward for these past four years.  I have put together a little information to help ensure we are able to keep the momentum and direction that the Municipality is currently heading in for the next four years. The past […]

Cost Sharing Agreement – Library Portion

Cost Sharing Agreement – Library Portion

It seems the line drawn in the sand this election in the Almonte Ward is around the Howard Alan Cost Sharing agreement. I recently posted documentation of the process that took place this past term, with agenda/meeting documents and letters from Carleton Place. I do realize that much of the misinformation that is being spread […]

The Howard Alan Cost Sharing Agreement

The Howard Alan Cost Sharing Agreement

There has been much discussion on social media and by other candidates about the Cost Sharing Agreement with Carleton Place. I also see a lot of misinformation about what took place with the agreement between Carleton Place, Beckwith and Mississippi Mills. My intention is not to stir up division but to bring forward the course […]